Monday, March 1, 2010

Monday Spotlight: Romance On A Rocketship

This week is Romance On A Rocketship.

I have been a big fan of Romance On A Rocketship for the longest time. Ever since I heard Kasey Smith's song Skin & Bones. If you think the name Kasey Smith sounds familiar, you might know him from Agraceful [which he is no longer in]. His music has a simple, yet eloquent tone. All of his music is catchy and has Smith's unique voice. While only having 9 songs so far released on iTunes, Smith has made a name for himself, and has nearly flawless track reviews on iTunes. All of his music is inspired by everyday life, and Smith want's to write music that people can relate to. While having no official CD releases yet, Smith has still reserved his spot in the world of music today.

Listen to ROAR on myspace.