Monday, December 21, 2009


First off, I'd like to apologize for the very bad #Musicmonday I did last week. I was swamped with finals for school and such. This week I have a much better selection.

With the release of NeverShoutNever!'s Hot Topic EP, I have been listening to a lot of him. For Sour, I posed a blog over on LLIOF about one of their music videos, and their music is just very creative. Daft Punk has just been a great unwinder. I have been listening to a lot of Of Machines because of their crazy vocalist. Gym Class Heroes has been helping me think about how their band has progressed. Team Sleep is also great unwinding music. Hellogoodbye released two new songs on their website, and they are just downright amazing. Lastly, Mastisyahu. His music is just great stuff regardless of what mood you are in.

My list for this week
1. NeverShoutNever!
2. Sour
3. Daft Punk
4. Of Machines
5. Gym Class Heroes
6. Team Sleep
7. Hellogoodbye
8. Matisyahu